206.323.4433 2115 - 23rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144

From Fat to Fit: 6 Weight-Loss Tips for Happy, Healthy Cats and Dogs

Our furry companions bring endless joy, unconditional love, and a healthy dose of cuddles to our lives.

Unfortunately, that love often translates into overflowing treat bowls and couch potato pets.

Like their human counterparts, our canine and feline friends are battling a global weight epidemic, with consequences that extend far beyond those extra pounds.

The statistics paint a worrying picture.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 59.5% of dogs and 60.1% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese.

That translates to roughly 56 million overweight dogs and 58 million overweight cats. To put it in perspective, that’s roughly the combined human population of California and Texas!

Why are pets packing on the pounds?

In a nation known for its supersized portions, it’s no surprise that our four-legged friends are mirroring our own unhealthy trends.

Weight Loss Tips for Dogs and Cats | atlanticvetseattle.com

Several factors contribute to the pet obesity epidemic:


We shower our pets with love, and sometimes that translates to overflowing food bowls, frequent treats, and the “clean-plate” mentality.

Overestimating their calorie needs and neglecting portion control can lead to calorie overload (especially for pets with sedentary lifestyles), resulting in gradual weight gain.

The situation is particularly alarming for cats, as they are naturally programmed to eat small, frequent meals. When we unknowingly overfeed them, we create chubby kitties prone to a cascade of health issues.

Inappropriate diet:

Human snacks and table scraps are often loaded with unhealthy fats and sugars. While the occasional indulgence might seem harmless, it can contribute significantly to weight gain over time.

In addition to unhealthy snacks, feeding pets a diet high in fat and carbohydrates and low in protein and fiber can contribute to weight gain.

Related article:
Why Grain-Free, Boutique, and BEG Diets May Be Harming Your Pet

Lack of exercise:

Pets need daily physical activity to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. But our hectic schedules, combined with our tendencies towards a sedentary lifestyle, often mean shorter walks that leave our furry friends with pent-up energy and insufficient calorie burning.

Related article:
Five Fun (and Funny) Ways to Help Your Senior Cat Exercise

Age, breed, and gender:

Some dog breeds, including Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, Basset Hounds, Bulldogs, and Cocker Spaniels, are genetically predisposed to carrying extra pounds due to their metabolism or body type.

Maine Coons and Persian cats are more prone to feline weight gain.

Senior pets and females tend to be more susceptible to weight gain, and spaying or neutering contributes to a slower metabolism.

Underlying medical conditions:

Certain medical conditions can contribute to weight gain, such as canine hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and feline diabetes.

The dangers of excess weight

Fat is a biologically active tissue, and excess fat tissue can wreak havoc on a pet’s metabolism, impacting their mobility and quality of life.

Joint issues:

Carrying extra weight puts immense strain on their joints, leading to mobility issues, osteoarthritis (a painful condition affecting the joints), and hip dysplasia.

Respiratory problems:

Obesity puts stress on the respiratory system, especially in dog breeds like pugs and bulldogs.

Skin issues:

Weight gain can worsen skin conditions like dermatitis and make grooming challenging.


Both dogs and cats are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes if they are overweight or obese.

Cardiovascular disease:

The extra strain on the heart increases the risk of heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues.


Studies suggest a link between obesity and certain types of cancer in both dogs and cats.


Overweight pets are more susceptible to heatstroke.

Anesthesia complications:

Obese pets have an increased risk of anesthesia complications should they require surgery.

Shorter lifespan:

Studies show that overweight pets have a shorter lifespan than their leaner counterparts.


Cats with excessive body weight are at significantly higher risk for developing insulin-dependent diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Overweight and obese dogs also have increased risk of arthritis, diabetes, heat exhaustion, and cancer.

Weight Loss Tips for Dogs and Cats | atlanticvetseattle.com

Fighting the flab: 6 weight-loss tips

The good news: pet obesity is largely preventable. Recognizing the signs of an overweight or obese pet is the first step. Look for a rounded body shape, difficulty jumping or climbing, and excessive panting.

Here are six tips to help your pet battle the bulge:

1. Consult your vet.

If you suspect your pet is carrying extra pounds, schedule a visit with us before putting your pet on a diet.

We’ll help you determine the proper number of calories, the type of diet, and the amount of exercise your pet needs each day, based on several factors:

  • your pet’s weight and metabolism
  • whether your pet is spayed or neutered
  • your pet’s age
  • typical daily activity your pet currently gets
  • whether your pet is indoors or outdoors, or both
  • whether your pet has any underlying medical conditions

2. Resist the temptation to treat.

You don’t want to sabotage your efforts to help your pet lose weight by “rewarding” them with sugar- and fat-laden treats.

As little as 30 extra calories per day can result in a weight gain of more than three pounds a year (kind of like humans gain weight when we inhale high-calorie drinks, donuts, and snack crackers).

While those puppy dog eyes begging for another treat might melt your heart, resist the urge to give your pet high-calorie human snacks or table scraps.

Offer praise and affection instead of extra food. Limit treats to special occasions or use them as rewards for positive behavior during training sessions.

Opt for healthful, low-calorie, no-sugar alternatives:

  • Dogs: small slices of apple, banana, baby carrots, broccoli, green beans
  • Cats: a flake of tuna or salmon

Be aware of treat sizes. Dog treats come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. But when you feed a pocket dog three small treats, your pup may have just eaten an entire day’s worth of calories.

Chop treats into teeny-tiny pieces appropriate for your pet’s size. Your pet can’t do math – they won’t notice the size difference.

Some treats offer the added bonus of helping keep your pet’s teeth clean. Ask us to recommend healthy goodies.

3. Ditch free-for-all feeding.

Just like humans, pets don’t always know when to stop.

Studies show that feeding even 10 extra tiny kibbles per day can add up to a pound of weight gain per year in small dogs and indoor cats!

Use a measuring cup to ensure accurate portions of high-quality food. Remember: Not all pet food is created equal.

  • Look for food specifically designed for weight management, which may have lower calorie and fat content.
  • Pay attention to the ingredients and calorie content when choosing food. Opt for high-quality brands with real meat protein and fewer fillers.

If you’re unsure which food is best for your pet’s needs, ask us for recommendations during your consultation.

Another way to prevent overeating is to investing a feeding puzzle or slow feeder to make mealtime engaging and extend the time it takes to finish.

7 Steps to Prepare Your Pet for the End of Working from Home | atlanticvetseattle.com

4. Get active:

Daily exercise is a must. Exercise helps regulate weight and behavior, boosts your pet’s immune function, and improves cardiovascular health.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, tailored to your pet’s abilities.

Take your dog on a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes. Enjoy playful sessions in the park, play fetch, or schedule a play date with other pups.

Related article:
10 Tips for a Safe and Fun Off-Leash Dog Park Outing

Environmental Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Actively play with your cat for 5 to 15 minutes per day, using a cat toy, remote-controlled battery mice, practice golf balls (the ones with holes in them), or a wad of paper.

Create an enriching indoor environment for your cat with climbing structures, scratching posts, and interactive toys to encourage them to move and play.

Related Article:
12 Environmental Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats

Start slow and gradually increase the duration and intensity of their workouts. A tired pet is a less likely to be a bored, overeating pet.

Environmental Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

5. Track progress and celebrate success

Weight loss is a journey, not a race. Losing weight involves strategically and carefully decreasing calories (while preserving critical nutrients) and gradually increasing exercise.

Sound familiar? Yes, we humans go through the same process to lose weight!

Regularly weigh your pet and track their progress.

Be patient, consistent, and celebrate every milestone with your pet.

6. Ask for help

At Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, we have an arsenal of creative and time-proven strategies that may be helpful in your efforts to improve your pet’s weight, including what to do if some members of your family have a hard time accepting or adhering to a pet’s new health régime.

Please call us at 206-323-4433 for an appointment if you’d like to discuss your pet’s weight and set up a weight management plan.

Here’s to the health of you and your family, both human and furry.

For further reading

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats: What You Need to Know

We usually think of diabetes as a human disease. But it’s becoming more prevalent in dogs and cats.

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats: What Pet Owners Need to Know | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes in dogs is usually classified as Type 1, where the body is not producing enough insulin, a hormone crucial to metabolism. Untreated, diabetes mellitus (DM) can be fatal.

Female dogs are twice as likely to develop DM than male dogs, as are older dogs, aged 7-9. Certain breeds are more predisposed to DM, including:

  • Australian terrier
  • Beagle
  • Bichon Frise
  • Cairn terrier
  • dachshund
  • Keeshond
  • miniature pinscher
  • poodle
  • Samoyed
  • Schnauzer

Diabetes in Cats

One in every 200 cats may be affected by DM. More male cats have DM, as well as cats aged 8-13 and Siamese cats.

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats: What Pet Owners Need to Know | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Signs of Diabetes in Dogs and Cats

  • Always thirsty
  • Always hungry
  • Urinates frequently, or urinates in the house/outside of litter box
  • Good appetite and possibly overweight, yet continually loses weight (particularly over the back)
  • Cloudy eyes (dogs only)
  • Dry or dull coat
  • Poor skin condition (such as excessive dandruff)
  • Blindness
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy


Dogs and cats with diabetes usually require life-long insulin injections, careful bloodwork monitoring, and frequent re-evaluation.

Further Reading

For more information about diabetes in cats, read our article, 5 Reasons to Test Your Cat for Diabetes.

Why We Offer Same-Day Urgent Care and Emergency Appointments

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably experienced a few unexpected trips to an urgent care clinic to have your child’s aching ear or pink eye or sprained wrist treated. You may have even gone to the ER for more serious medical matters.

Pets sometimes need urgent or emergency care too.

However, there is a severe shortage of qualified veterinary staff, for several reasons:

Staffing shortages.

In this highly stressful profession, many staffers experience “compassion fatigue” and burnout. The mental and physical toll results in staffers leaving the profession, forcing clinics to cut back on hours or to close altogether.

Pandemic puppy boom.

One in five households across the U.S. added a dog or cat at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, greatly surpassing the number of graduating veterinarians and putting extra strain on existing staff.

More pet owners.

The number of pet-owning households in the U.S. is increasing by 1.5% annually; the demand for pet health care services is increasing 6.1% annually.


More than 12,500 board-certified veterinarians are planning to retire by 2030.

The ever-increasing demand for veterinary services, combined with a severe shortage of qualified veterinary staff has resulted in many veterinary clinics and emergency hospitals turning away pet patients because they are at capacity.

The ER Vets of Western Washington Facebook page regularly posts wait times for Emergency veterinarians. Here’s sampling of wait times during January 2024:

At Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, we try very hard to be there when you need us, but it requires creative scheduling, a willing staff, and a lot of hustle and hard work. By allowing room in our daily schedule for urgent and emergency care – with a slight fee increase – we help your pet get the immediate relief it needs and help you avoid a more costly visit and long waits at a veterinary emergency hospital.

Urgent Care Appointments

In addition to our regular pre-scheduled wellness and illness appointments, we reserve same-day Urgent Care appointments in our schedule every day.

There is a potential that these blocked-out appointments will not be filled, yet our staff needs to be on hand and prepared regardless.

Urgent medical conditions are uncomfortable, but not life-threatening, such as:

  • Eyes – swelling, discharge, redness
  • Ears – discharge, pain, odor, scratching, or shaking
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Vomiting (minor or occasional)
  • Diarrhea
  • Mild constipation
  • Change in urine color, frequency, or amount
  • Straining to urinate, dribbling urine
  • Change in amount of food or water intake
  • Change in behavior (mild depression, anxiety, excessive sleepiness)
  • Evidence of worms or fleas
  • Minor wounds
  • Lumps
  • Facial swelling, licking, or scratching

Medical Emergencies

We also accept Emergencies to the best of our ability. Pets with life-threatening emergency conditions take precedence over all scheduled appointments.

The additional emergency fee helps cover our costs for working through breaks, lunches, calling in additional staff, and overtime costs. When we take in emergencies during the day, our staff members often must stay after hours to finish medical notes and return phone calls after hours.

Emergency medical conditions can include but are not limited to, conditions such as:

  • Difficulty or irregular breathing
  • Weakness or collapse
  • Broken bones
  • Severe trauma (hit by car, fall, gunshot wound, burns)
  • Prolonged or multiple seizure
  • Poison exposure
  • Eating a foreign object
  • Significant bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • High fever
  • Significant wounds
  • Repeated vomiting
  • Inability to urinate or defecate

We Try Hard NOT to say “No”

Please know that if we have to say “No” to an established client requesting an Urgent or Emergency appointment, we have carefully considered our current patient load and tried to make it work, but have determined it would dangerously overwhelm the care of the patients we already have in the hospital with the staff we have available at that time.

We try very hard not to say “No.” Please do your part by communicating with us early if you think your pet is developing a medical condition that will require care.

Related articles:

Licensed Veterinary Nursing: A Recession-Proof Career that Combines a Love of Animals and People

Your Pet Shouldn’t Have to Wait to Feel Better! Consider Urgent Care

The Silent Thief of Sight: Understanding Glaucoma in Cats and Dogs

Glaucoma Can Rob Pets of Their Sight | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye, can silently steal the joy of sight from our furry companions. Affecting both cats and dogs, it’s a serious medical issue that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.

In this article, we’ll help you recognize the early warning signs of feline and canine glaucoma, so you can be a vigilant guardian of your pet’s eyesight.

What is Glaucoma in Pets?

Imagine a balloon filled with fluid representing your pet’s eye. Normally, a delicate balance maintains the pressure within this “balloon,” allowing for proper eye function and vision.

Another way of putting it: In a healthy eye, the clear internal fluid — the aqueous humor — maintains the normal shape of the eye and nourishes the inside tissues. A balance of fluid production and drainage keeps the fluid pressure at normal levels.

Glaucoma disrupts this balance.

The fluid drainage system in the eye becomes clogged, resulting in abnormally high pressure levels. This elevated pressure causes severe side effects, including damage to the optic nerve (the critical pathway connecting the eye to the brain) and damage to the retina, ultimately leading to blindness and pain if left untreated.

Two Types of Glaucoma

Primary Glaucoma

This inherited form, more prevalent in dogs than cats, arises from a malformation in the eye’s drainage system, hindering fluid outflow and causing pressure buildup.

Certain dog breeds, like Beagles, Basset Hounds, and Cocker Spaniels, are predisposed to this type.

In cats, primary glaucoma is rare, but Siamese and Burmese breeds seem to have a higher risk.

Secondary Glaucoma

This form stems from underlying conditions like inflammation, tumors, or trauma, which obstruct the drainage pathways or increase fluid production.

In cats, secondary glaucoma is more common than primary.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch For

Glaucoma usually starts in one eye, but frequently progresses to the other eye. Signs are generally subtle at first, and glaucoma can be tough to recognize in its early stages before permanent eye damage occurs.

Be on the lookout for these warning signs:

Redness and Bloodshot Eyes

This is a common early symptom, often mistaken for simple eye irritation. Redness and bloodshot eyes are a telltale sign of inflammation or increased pressure within the eye.

Squinting or Pawing at the Eye

As pressure builds within the eye, glaucoma becomes very painful, and pets often squint or rub their eyes to alleviate the pressure.

Lethargy and Loss of Appetite

Pets may stop eating and resist human touch. They might sleep more and avoid bright light.

Changes in Vision

Pets may seem clumsy, bump into objects, and have difficulty navigating familiar spaces. This can an indicate vision loss.

Cloudy or Blueish Cornea

The normally clear outer layer of the eye (aka, cornea) might appear hazy or bluish due to fluid buildup within the eye.

Dilated Pupils

Unnaturally enlarged pupils can be a sign of pain or increased pressure. In some cases, the pupils may become unresponsive to light.

Bulging Eye

In advanced, later-stage cases, the eyeball may appear enlarged and protrude beyond the socket.


While glaucoma can’t necessarily be avoided, if diagnosed early enough, it can be managed. To diagnose a pet’s eye condition, we perform a complete history, physical exam, and eye exam.

Additionally, we may recommend the following, depending on your pet’s specific needs:

  • A separate visit to a veterinary ophthalmologist, who specializes in eye diseases
  • Tonometry, which measures pressure inside of the eye with a small, hand-held instrument
  • X-rays or ultrasound of the skull to identify other abnormalities or tumors
  • Blood tests to try to determine the underlying cause, such as an infectious disease

Treatment Options for Glaucoma

The primary goal of treatment is to lower intraocular pressure and prevent further damage to the optic nerve.

If your pet is diagnosed with glaucoma, we will prescribe medications to help reduce the pressure within their eyes and make them more comfortable.

Depending on the severity and type of glaucoma, treatment options may include:

  • Eye drops: Medications like prostaglandins and beta-blockers help increase fluid drainage or decrease fluid production.
  • Oral medications: In some cases, oral medications like Diamox may be prescribed to reduce fluid production.
  • Surgical therapy: Different types of surgical therapy may be recommended in an attempt to keep the pressure in the eye controlled.
  • Laser surgery: Laser iridotomy creates a tiny hole in the iris to improve aqueous humor drainage, often used in primary glaucoma.
  • Drainage surgery: In severe cases, a surgical procedure to create a new drainage pathway for the fluid may be necessary.
  • Removal of the eye: In long-term cases, surgical removal of the eye may be recommended as a last resort because glaucoma is such a painful condition for your pet.

Living with Glaucoma

Once diagnosed with glaucoma, your pet will likely need ongoing monitoring and treatment to manage the condition effectively. Regular veterinary checkups are essential to track the pressure and adjust medication as needed.

It’s also important to manage any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the glaucoma.

  • Avoid using flea and tick collars or sprays near your pet’s eyes, as these can irritate and potentially worsen glaucoma.
  • Manage your pet’s weight, as obesity can contribute to increased intraocular pressure.
  • Provide a stress-free environment for your pet, as anxiety can exacerbate glaucoma symptoms.
  • Avoid head injuries and use protective eyewear during outdoor activities to help safeguard your pet’s precious peepers.

With proper management, many pets with glaucoma can live happy and fulfilling lives.

Your furry friend’s eyes are windows to their world – keep them clear and bright with vigilance and care.

10 Tips for a Safe and Fun Off-Leash Dog Park Outing

It’s fun to visit a park—especially with our canine friends. We enjoy the opportunity to exercise together, and our pets also learn how to get along with people as well as other dogs in a group.

Here are 10 tips and tricks to make the experience even more positive.

10 Tips for a Safe and Fun Off-Leash Dog Park Outing | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

1. Vaccinate, spay, or neuter first

Dog park outings are most appropriate for dogs who have been vaccinated.

Puppies should not visit dog parks until two weeks after they’ve completed their puppy vaccine series (including bordetella and parvo vaccines) – usually, after 18 weeks of age.

Adult dogs should go to dog parks only if they are current on their core vaccines. For added protection, dogs may benefit from the canine influenza vaccine.

To prevent unexpected litters of puppies, make sure your dog is spayed or neutered.

2. Preview the park

If your area has more than one dog park, do a little homework to determine which would be best for your pet. You’ll want the park to be well-maintained, and you may wish to go during a more or less crowded time.

10 Tips for a Safe and Fun Off-Leash Dog Park Outing | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Off-Leash Dog Parks near Atlantic Veterinary Hospital:

Genesee Dog Park

In Southeast Seattle, just south of the Stan Sayres Hydroplane Pits and just west of Seward Park on Lake Washington.

2.7 acres, completely fenced, with two double-gated entrances. The center 2 acres is covered in gravel, making it mud-free in winter. The park has a doggie drinking fountain and a small and shy dog area.

Westcrest Park Off-Leash Area

In Southwest Seattle, above and west of Boeing Field.

8.4 acres with open spaces, paths, shade, trees, and a doggie drinking fountain. There’s even a special little off-leash hiking trail for canines and their people. For people, the off-leash area provides benches, chairs, and a shady place to relax. A special, separated area for small and shy dogs is located on the southwest side of the main off-leash area.

Blue Dog Pond

In Southeast Seattle, near I-90.

Fully-fenced, wide, rectangular field on 1.7 acres with grassy side slopes that your dog can run up and down. There are interesting art sculptures throughout the park that make it unique, including a giant reposing “blue dog” at the entrance.

Dr. Jose Rizal Park

Just south of downtown, on the north end of Beacon Hill.

4 acres with spectacular views of Puget Sound looking west and to the Seattle downtown skyline looking north. There is water available for dogs to drink. The fenced area is accessed from a long set of stairs at the north end of the Park. It is ADA accessible from the bicycle trail. A trail runs through the middle of the off-leash area which is compacted gravel and follows rolling contours.

Locations of off-leash areas maintained by Seattle Parks & Recreation

Reviews of the top 10 off-leash dog parks near Seattle

3. Train your dog to respond to voice commands

Dog park experiences are most satisfactory for everyone if your dog responds to voice commands. You want to know he’ll come when called, and then stay by your side. This helps resolve quarrelsome situations.

4. Leave food—for you and your pet—at home.

Just as you have certain foods you prefer your dog eat (or not eat), so do other pet owners. A dog park offers plenty of new scents for dogs to explore without introducing new food scents as well. The exception might be a small treat in your pocket in the event you need an added incentive for obedience.

Do bring water for you and your dog; water may not be available or accessible at a dog park that day. Bring your pet’s leash and several dog waste bags.

5. Bring dog-friendly toys… maybe

If you bring a ball or disc to play fetch with, use only dog-friendly flying discs (not made-for-people discs that can break a dog’s teeth). Invest in look-alike tennis balls (not the ones with the fuzzy coating that wear down a dog’s teeth). You’ll find these toys in pet stores.

Be aware that tossing a ball or disc for your dog may create a problem with other dogs. Be sensitive and wise to how other dogs in the off-leash area react, and stop if you notice anything out-of-the-ordinary.

6. Be friendly and respectful.

When you prepare to go to the park, clothe yourself with a friendly, respectful attitude. Plan to be part of solution, not the problem, to make the visit fun and safe for both of you.

At the Dog Park

10 Tips for a Safe and Fun Off-Leash Dog Park Outing | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

7. Assess the situation before you enter.

How does your dog’s energy level compare with those who are already in the park? Notice where there are dogs similar in size to your dog, so your pet will have someone to play with. (Some off-leash parks have separate areas reserved for small and shy dogs.)

Familiarize yourself with the rules before you enter the off-leash area.

Be prepared to clean up after your pet.

8. Pay attention while in the park.

This is an outing for you and your pet to enjoy together. Stay focused—avoid reading, texting or talking on the phone, or chatting with your friends (whose pets may not be the best playmates for your dog, in size or temperament).

9. Avoid puddles, goose poop, and foxtails.

Some Seattle-area off-leash parks get muddy following a rainy day. Rain creates puddles teeming with dangerous parasites. And then there are those irresistible piles of goose poop! Dogs can contract leptospirosis or giardia by drinking or sniffing contaminated water or eating goose poop or feces from infected animals.

Watch out for foxtails, too! Last summer, we had a big problem with dogs contracting foxtails when sniffing around the edges of some local dog parks. The foxtail awns lodged between their toes, up their noses, and in their ears, eyeballs, and genitals.

Foxtail seeds act like a large splinter, causing a very painful and infected abscess which can result in chronic illness and even, death.

Learn how to identify foxtail and foxtail risks in this article on our blog

10. Know what your dog is doing at all times and read her body language.

Not every dog gets along with every other dog; squabbles will happen, and often your pet will sense the tension before you will.

The most important tip is to simply have fun and treasure the time outdoors with your pet!

Access Your Pet’s Medical Records 24/7 on Your Phone or Computer

You’re probably familiar with MyChart, an online portal where you can access all your health information in one place.

Did you know there’s a similar portal for pets? It’s called Petly.

Petly is a private, personal health web page for your pet, giving you access to your pet’s health records 24/7. This can be a lifesaver in case of an after-hours emergency or when traveling.

Best of all, we provide Petly free-of-charge to Atlantic Veterinary Hospital clients who have an active email address.

What You Can Do With Petly

With your complimentary subscription to Petly, you can:

  • Access your pet’s exam summaries, discharge instructions, laboratory results, and X-rays
  • Review your pet’s vaccine and preventive health recommendations
  • Request appointments, boarding reservations, and prescription refills
  • Receive important medical alerts and hospital news
  • Communicate with your pet’s doctor
  • Update your personal contact information

Petly includes other features, including a library of reliable information on a wide range of pet health topics.

How to Get Started With Petly

  1. Click this Petly link.
  2. Enter your email address (make sure it’s the same email address we have on file for you)
  3. Create a password.

Once you’re logged in, you have the option of receiving wellness reminders, appointment reminders, and confirming appointments by e-mail or text message.

We will also use your e-mail address to occasionally notify you about hospital updates and important, timely health news (such as information about pet food recalls or a disease outbreak in our area).

4 Important New Year’s Eve Safety Tips for Pets

There are two days each year when the most U.S. pets get lost: The 4th of July and New Year’s Eve.

The explosive noise and flashes of light from fireworks scare the “pants” off many dogs and cats.

Of course, Seattleites don’t wait until midnight on New Year’s Eve to shoot off fireworks. You’ll hear a smattering of booms throughout the day, with neighborhood fireworks starting in earnest at 9pm (to coincide with the Time Square Ball Drop) and continuing past midnight.

Some pet owners unwisely bring their dogs with them to New Year’s Eve celebrations, where the combination of unfamiliar surroundings, crowds, loud music, alcohol, and fireworks creates a potent cocktail practically guaranteed to send panicked pets running for cover (not to mention getting “the runs,” and you don’t want that, either).

By planning ahead, you can help calm your pets’ nerves and keep them safe on New Year’s Eve.

Protect your Pet with a Collar, ID tag, and Microchip

You don’t want your pet to be one of the 7.6 million pets who are lost each year.

Even if your pet wears a collar and ID tag, those can fall off. A collar, ID tag, and properly-registered microchip will increase the chances of your pet being reunited with you if it runs away.

What is a Microchip?

Microchips are implantable computer chips no bigger than a grain of rice. The microchip is placed under your pet’s skin by your veterinarian with a needle and syringe.

The chip receives a radio signal from a scanner and transmits a unique encoded identification number back to the scanner, to help reunite you with your pet.

Register the Microchip

It is important to register your pet’s microchip, to maintain updated contact information, and to provide multiple emergency contacts in case your pet gets lost while you’re out of town.

Give your pet the best chance of being reunited with you. Call us today at 206.323.4433 to schedule an appointment to have your pet microchipped.

Create a Safe Place for Your Pet

Whether you’re hosting a get-together or spending a quiet evening at home, you’ll want to keep your pet indoors on New Year’s Eve.

  • Close pet doors, windows, and curtains.
  • Set up a comfortable pet bed in the most sound-proofed space in your home, as far away as possible from noisemakers, poppers, fireworks, loud music, and conversations. A good location might be a closet or the basement.
  • If you have a cat, provide access to as many hiding places as possible.
  • Dim the lights and turn on soothing white noise such as a fan, air conditioner, radio, or television.
  • If you have a white noise machine, try playing the sound of a gentle rainfall. Every Seattle pet is accustomed to that particular sound, and it’s likely to calm them.
  • Provide toys and treats to distract your pet.

If you’re hosting a party, consider temporarily disabling your doorbell, particularly if you have a dog who barks like crazy whenever it rings. If a lot of people will be coming and going, your curious pup will want to meet them, but your dog may also freak out and make a break for it out the front door.

Your dog is not the host of your party – you are.

Keep your dog safe, in a room away from the door.

If you’re planning to go out on New Year’s Eve, recruit a family member, friend, or neighbor to pet-sit. Be sure to supply your sitter with your pet’s water bowl, bed, and their favorite food, treats, and toys.

If your pet experiences severe noise anxiety, we can recommend medications that may help decrease anxiety and relax your pet.

Give Your Pet Plenty of Physical Activity

When their normal routine gets disrupted, pets often get frightened and anxious. They’ll likely sense that there’s something different about this day, so make an effort to spend extra time with your pet throughout the day. Buy a new toy for your pet and actively play with them throughout the day.

Earlier in the day (when it’s still relatively quiet), take your pet for a longer-than-usual walk, which will tire them out and help them relax and sleep more soundly. During your walk, be prepared for people to unexpectedly set off fireworks. Make sure your pet’s collar ID tag, GPS tracker, and leash are properly attached.

If you’re home with your pet during the evening, be extra attentive to them. If your stressed pet pees or defecates on the floor, don’t yell at them. Instead, attempt to make your presence a comforting one. Distract your pet by calmly playing together or listening to soothing music.

Keep Your Pet Away From Toxic Substances

Alcohol. Marijuana. Salty snacks. Liqueur-filled chocolates. Balloons. Streamers. Party Poppers.

New Year’s Eve is a veritable feast of items that can cause digestive issues, poisoning, and other health issues.


Copious amounts of alcohol are often within easy reach of curious pets on New Year’s Eve, so it’s not surprising that a lot of opportunistic pets get alcohol poisoning.

Sadly, some people think it’s funny or cute to get a pet tipsy.

Please, PLEASE don’t serve a dog or cat alcohol!

One teaspoon of grain alcohol (hard liquor) is enough to cause severe alcohol toxicity symptoms in cats and dogs. One tablespoon is enough to put a healthy cat or small dog into a coma, and can even be fatal.

Pets who consume even a small amount of alcohol have a similar, yet more severe reaction to alcohol than their human counterparts: vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, lethargy, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, drops in body temperature and blood pressure, loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest, acute kidney failure, and even death.

(Yes, we know we sound like a TV commercial that ominously intones a long list of potential side-effects of a prescription drug, but we want you to be aware of the dangers of alcohol poisoning!)


The same goes for marijuana. Pets who inhale secondhand marijuana smoke or eat edibles that contain caffeine, chocolate, garlic, grapes, raisins, or Xylitol often require emergency treatment.

According to the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), “Marijuana can cause your pet to become unsteady, sleepy and sensitive to touch, and can cause a decrease in their heart rate and body temperature. In rare cases, seizures and death may be possible.”

Other Items Toxic to Pets

  • Salty snack foods
  • Chocolate
  • Raisins
  • Grapes
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Raw and under-cooked meat
  • Poultry, beef, and pork bones
  • Pie crust
  • Decorations (streamers, balloons, ribbons, twinkly lights)

For more information, read these articles on our blog:

The last thing you want is to ring in the New Year with an emergency visit to the vet.

Whether you’re entertaining at home or you’re at a party away from home, assume that dangerous items will be within your pets’ reach. Keep a close eye on your furbabies, and do your best to keep them away from toxic substances.

Your Pet Shouldn’t Have to Wait to Feel Better! Consider Urgent Care

Your Pet Shouldn't Have to Wait to Feel Better! Consider Urgent Care | AtlanticVetSeattle.comWhy pay for an emergency room visit if it isn’t necessary?

We can provide comfort and relief for conditions that aren’t serious enough for an emergency hospital, but are too pressing to wait for an appointment the next business day.

When to Seek Urgent Care for Your Pet

Urgent care is appropriate for non-life-threatening conditions that cannot wait, but do not require emergency treatment and hospitalization.

Urgent Care Conditions

Urgent, non-life-threatening conditions often include:

  • Eyes – swelling, discharge, redness
  • Ears – discharge, pain, odor, scratching, shaking (could be signs of ear infections)
  • Facial swelling, licking, or scratching
  • Skin conditions
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Vomiting (minor or occasional)
  • Diarrhea
  • Mild constipation
  • Change in urine color, frequency, or amount
  • Straining to urinate, dribbling urine
  • Change in amount of food or water intake
  • Change in behavior (mild depression, anxiety, excessive sleepiness)
  • Evidence of worms or fleas
  • Minor wounds
  • Lumps

We save a number of same-day Urgent Care spots in our appointment schedule every day.

If your pet is experiencing an urgent situation, please call us at 206-323-4433, and we’ll do our best to fit you into our schedule on the same day.

A patient seen on Urgent Care who requires emergency care will be transferred immediately to Emergency Status or referred to a 24-hour veterinary specialty hospital.

For a list of conditions that are considered medical emergencies, visit our Urgent Care page.

10 Tips for Keeping Your Cat Cozy and Safe During Winter

As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, it’s important to take extra care of your feline friend to ensure they stay warm, safe, and comfortable throughout the winter months.

Cats are naturally resourceful and adaptable, but even they can suffer from the adverse effects of cold weather.

In this article, we’ll explore the five most common dangers of cold weather for cats, and we’ll offer 10 tips for keeping your furry companion safe and happy during the winter season.

5 Dangers of Cold Weather for Cats

Cats are generally more sensitive to the cold than dogs, and they can suffer from hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-related illnesses if they’re not properly protected.

1. Hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when a cat’s body temperature falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Symptoms of hypothermia include lethargy, weakness, confusion, and difficulty breathing.

Hypothermia can lead to a number of serious health problems, including organ failure and death. If you think your cat may be suffering from hypothermia, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately.

2. Frostbite

Frostbite is a serious condition that occurs when a cat’s skin and tissue freeze.

Symptoms of frostbite include redness, swelling, and pain in the affected area.

Frostbite can cause severe damage to the affected areas – typically ears, paws, tail, and nose – and may even require amputation in some cases. If you think your cat may have frostbite, seek veterinary care immediately.

3. Respiratory infections

Cold weather can weaken a cat’s immune system, making them more susceptible to respiratory infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

4. Arthritis

Cold weather can aggravate existing joint problems and arthritis, causing pain and discomfort for your cat.

5. Dehydration

Cats may not drink as much water in the winter as they do in the summer, which can lead to dehydration. This can be particularly dangerous for older cats or those with kidney problems.

How Cold Is Too Cold for Cats to Be Outside?

The temperature at which it is too cold for cats to be outside varies depending on several factors, including the cat’s breed, age, and overall health.

A good rule of thumb is that if it’s too cold for you to be outside comfortably, it’s too cold for your cat to be outside.

In general, cats should not be left outside if the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

10 Tips for Keeping Your Cat Safe During Winter

1. Provide a warm and cozy place to sleep.

Cats love to curl up in warm places, so provide them with a soft, comfortable bed or blanket off the floor and away from drafts.

Consider using a heated pet bed to provide extra warmth.  Check out our article on microwaveable heating pads and insulated cat shelters. 

2. Limit outdoor time.

If your cat enjoys spending time outdoors, ensure their outdoor excursions are brief and supervised, especially during harsh weather conditions.

Limit outdoor time to daylight hours and bring your cat inside when the temperature starts to drop. Make sure they have a warm place to dry off.

If you have an outdoor cat, be sure to read our article, How to Keep Outdoor Cats Warm in Winter.

3. Protect their paws.

Cats’ paws are sensitive to the cold and can be damaged by ice, salt, and other chemicals used to treat roads and sidewalks.

To protect their paws, consider applying a protective, pet-safe balm, paw wax, or booties before going outside.

After each walk, check your cat’s paws for any signs of cracks, redness, or irritation.

4. Provide plenty of fresh water.

Cats may not drink as much water in the winter as they do in the summer, so make sure they have access to fresh, clean water at all times.

Consider using a heated water fountain to encourage them to drink more.

5. Maintain a healthy diet.

Cats may need to eat more food during the winter to gain the energy they need to stay warm and active.

Consider feeding them a slightly higher-protein diet to help them maintain their body temperature. Talk to your veterinarian about how much food to feed your cat during the cold months.

6. Monitor your cat’s weight.

Make sure your cat is not losing weight during the winter. If you notice your cat is losing weight, talk to your veterinarian.

7. Watch for signs of illness.

Be aware of any changes in your cat’s behavior, such as lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing.

These could be signs of a hypothermia-related illness or other cold-related issue. If you notice any of these signs, seek veterinary care immediately.

8. Be aware of potential hazards.

Antifreeze is deadly poison to cats, even in small amounts. Store antifreeze out of your cat’s reach and clean up any spills immediately.

Your car is another potential hazard. Cats – your own cat, as well as neighborhood and feral cats – seek shelter under the hood, close to the warm engine. When the car is started, they can be injured or killed.

In this article, Jane Harrell, former Editor-in-Chief of Pet Health Network,  recommends pounding on the hood, slamming the car door, or honking the horn before starting your car. Of course, you’ll also want to check underneath the car, to see if cats are hiding.

“After you’ve made plenty of noise, be sure that any cats have had time to run away. Cats can tuck themselves into the tightest of spaces and may need a little extra time to wiggle out.”

9. Schedule regular veterinary checkups.

Regular veterinary checkups are essential for maintaining your cat’s overall health, especially during the winter months. When you schedule an appointment with Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, ask your veterinarian to check for any underlying health conditions that may make your cat more susceptible to the cold.

10. Make sure your cat is microchipped.

In the event that your cat gets lost during the winter, a microchip can help you reunite with your furry friend.

Check out our article on microchipping.

Cats are individuals with different needs and preferences, so pay attention to your cat’s cues and adjust your care accordingly. With a little extra attention, you can ensure your furry friend enjoys a warm, cozy, and healthy winter season by your side.

Related articles on our blog

Note: This article includes Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase a product via a link, we receive a small commission. We do not necessarily recommend these linked products; we are providing them to give you a starting place for your own product research.

7 Cold Weather Tips for Dogs

Despite the popular misconception, fur alone is not enough to protect dogs from the elements. Like people, dogs have varying degrees of cold tolerance.

Hypothermia in pets

Even the hardiest breeds are susceptible to hypothermia. Pets can die from hypothermia, where decreased core body temperature decreases circulation to organs, brain, and limbs. Luckily, hypothermia can be easy to avoid by taking a few precautions.

1. Ask Us About Cold Weather Protection.

Arthritis can worsen in the cold months, increasing stiffness and discomfort. Several key strategies can help keep your older dog comfortable and active in cold weather, and we’re eager to share this information with you at your next appointment.

7 Cold Weather Tips for Dogs | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

2. Know Your Dog’s Cold Tolerance.

Although all dogs are at risk in cold, wet weather, some are better able to handle a dip in temperatures. Huskies and other Artic breeds are certainly more comfortable in cold weather than breeds such as grey hounds. Consider that old, young, thin-coated, and wet dogs are at greater risk for hypothermia.

3. Take Shorter Walks With Your Dog.

All dogs need daily exercise year-round, but in extreme temperatures, shorter, more frequent walks are preferable to extended walks. Don’t forget about playtime at home, either.

7 Cold Weather Tips for Dogs | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

4. Beware of Antifreeze & Sidewalk De-Icers.

Antifreeze dripping under cars can be deadly to dogs, even in small amounts. And rock salt used to melt ice on sidewalks and road ways can cause irritation to dogs’ paws. Take care where you walk your dog to avoid these substances.

5. Some Dogs Need Warm Sweaters or Rain Coats.

Small dogs have a larger surface area for their body size and benefit from a warm, dry coat or sweater during cold weather. Dogs with short fur, even large dogs such as Whippets or Vislas, also appreciate dog clothing. And any dog would benefit from a rain coat around here this time of year!

6. Don’t Leave Your Dog Outside Too Long.

While dogs need exercise, they also need warmth and comfort. Leaving dogs outdoors in the cold make them miserable and some develop frostbite or die. Make sure your dog has access to a warm, comfortable place to rest and isn’t outdoors too long when temperatures are low.

7. Dogs Should Always Have Access to Fresh Water, Even When Outdoors.

Be sure your dog’s water bowl isn’t frozen and don’t use a metal bowl outdoors in cold weather because your dog’s tongue can get stuck! (Think of the flag pole when you were a kid). Heated water dishes are available for outside to prevent frozen water dishes.

Atlantic Veterinary Hospital in Seattle serves the following neighborhoods: Mt. Baker, Columbia City, Beacon Hill, Rainier Valley, Seward Park, Capitol Hill, Leschi, Central District, Madison Valley, International District, and Georgetown.