206.323.4433 2115 - 23rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144

Link Between Ticks and Kidney Disease in Dogs

Dogs exposed to Lyme disease have a 43 percent higher risk of developing kidney disease, according to a study from IDEXX.

Ticks transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Dogs, cats, and humans (along with many other animals) can become infected with Lyme disease when they are bitten by an infected tick that has been attached to the skin for 24-36 hours.

New Study Shows Link Between Ticks and Kidney Disease in Dogs | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Ticks are blood-sucking arachnids, not insects. Slow-moving and unable to jump, they lay in wait on grass or leaves until their prey walks by, then grab on for the ride.

The longer a tick is attached, the greater the chance of infection. The Lyme disease bacteria can establish a long-term infection that affects the heart, kidneys, joints, and brain.

Lyme Disease is on the Rise in the PNW

Lyme disease is increasing in the Western US, particularly in the Southern Cascades and along the Oregon coast.

And guess what? Ticks become active in the spring.

Ticks can harbor bacteria, viruses, and protozoal parasites, sometimes more than one at a time. In addition to transmitting the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, ticks are also to blame for the spread of other of life-threatening diseases that affect humans and animals: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, and erlichiosis, to name a few.

Signs of Infection

Signs of infection include fever, lethargy, lameness, stiffness, pain, vomiting, and diarrhea – signs shared by several other diseases.

It is important to note that the typical “bulls-eye” rash that commonly effects people with Lyme disease is uncommon in dogs.

Chewable Tick Preventives

The first line of defense against Lyme disease and any other tick-borne disease is a rigorous tick control program.

Fortunately, we have monthly chewable tick and flea preventives that can help minimize tick exposure.

For dogs, consider chewables such as Simparica or Bravector. For cats, consider topicals such as Bravecto or Catego.

No more messy topical medication or stinky collar, just a tasty “treat” that safely and effectively prevents fleas and ticks from 30-90 days, depending on the product.

Additionally, new laboratory tests help us spot tick-borne diseases faster, sometimes before they cause disease symptoms.

You know the 4DX lab test we recommend for your dog every year? Well, test #1 screens for heartworm disease, but #2-4 are screens for tick-borne illnesses – Lyme disease, erlichiosis, and anaplasmosis.

What To Do If You Find a Tick

Keep your pet away from potentially tick-infested areas (tall grass, low brush, and wooded areas) if possible.

Be sure to conduct a daily tick inspection of yourself and your pet after traversing these areas.

If you find a tick on yourself or your pet, do the following:

  1. Safely remove the tick with tweezers as soon as possible, pulling straight back to make sure the tick is completely removed. Otherwise, tick mouth parts can remain embedded and infection is still possible.
  2. Disinfect the bite area, your hands, and the tweezers.
  3. Save the tick in zippered sandwich bag for identification and possible testing.

If you are uncertain how to safely remove a tick from your pet, please call us at (206) 323-4433, and we will make a same-day appointment to remove the tick from your pet.

How to Protect Your Pet from Heartworm Disease

How to Protect Your Pet from Heartworm Disease | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Two of our dog patients recently tested positive for heartworm disease. That’s the first time we’ve seen this in over 10 years, so we wanted to provide you with some important information about what to watch for in your dog or cat.

What is heartworm disease?

Heartworm disease is caused by a parasitic roundworm that lives inside the heart and blood vessels of a dog or cat’s lungs. While the disease is preventable, hundreds of thousands of cats and dogs are infected every year.

How is heartworm disease transmitted?

Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and is found in every state, every climate, and every season. During the winter months, mosquitoes hang out in warm environments such as garages and greenhouses, which means that pet parents must take prevention seriously year-round.

High-risk cities for heartworm disease

According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) the 10 metro areas across the United States that experienced the biggest increase in canine heartworm disease during February 2019 are:

  1. Salt Lake City, UT
  2. Alexandria, VA
  3. Riverside, CA
  4. Topeka, KS
  5. El Paso, TX
  6. Paterson, NJ
  7. Chesapeake, VA
  8. Reno, NV
  9. Modesto, CA
  10. Boise, ID

Notice the prevalence of western states mentioned: Two in California, plus Idaho and Nevada. Heartworm risk has now arrived in Seattle, too.

Bad news, good news

The bad news is that early signs of heartworm disease are generally unnoticeable or invisible. Your pet could appear 100% healthy while the parasites are quietly making themselves right at home. Left untreated, heartworm disease can be debilitating and even fatal.

The good news is that protection is simple: Get your pet tested every year, and administer a heartworm preventive year-round.

How to Protect Your Cat from Heartworm Disease | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Heartworm in cats

Cats are less susceptible to heartworm disease than dogs, but even indoor cats can get infected. The feline version of heartworm disease is different than the canine version. One or two worms feeding on a cat’s lungs can send a cat’s immune system into overdrive, causing inflammation of the lungs and respiratory distress.

Not all cats with heartworm disease show symptoms, but common symptoms include rapid or labored breathing, coughing, decreased appetite, weight loss, and lethargy.

Unfortunately, heartworm disease in cats is lethal and cannot be treated, so prevention is the only means of protecting cats. It’s important to have your cat screened for heartworm disease, and to start your feline on a preventive no later than 8 weeks of age.

Heartworm in dogs

A single bite from an infected mosquito can infect your dog. In dogs, the disease usually attacks the heart and lungs. Adult heartworms can grow to over a foot in length, wreaking devastation on a dog’s circulatory system.

It’s extremely important to have your dog screened for heartworm disease, and to start your puppy on a preventive no later than 8 weeks of age (Heartworm Society)

If your pet is due for a heartworm screening, needs a preventive, or you’re concerned about the possibility of heartworm disease, call us at 206-323-4433.



10 Things You Need to Know About Heartworm and Your Dog (Pet Health Network)

Five Things You Need to Know About Heartworm Disease and Your Cat (Pet Health Network)

Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC)

Dental Checkups and X-Rays: An Important Routine to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy

Dental check-ups and routine dental X-rays are necessary for a healthy mouth and to ensure your pet’s teeth are picture-perfect for a lifetime.

During physical exams, we take a look in your pet’s mouth. However, a visual examination of your pet’s mouth doesn’t tell us everything we need to know.

Tartar on a dog's tooth | Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, Seattle

More than half of each tooth resides under the gumline, where the human eye can’t see.

What we do see is the exterior of the tooth crowns, but we can’t see the tooth roots, dental ligaments, or jaw bone. This is why full-mouth dental X-rays are such an important part of your pet’s dental care and a service we perform with every anesthetic dental procedure.

While it may be tempting due to cost to skip dental X-rays, in order to provide thorough care, we consider them a necessary step in evaluating your pet’s dental health and developing a dental treatment plan.

Advantages of Dental X-rays

Dental X-Ray of a dog's mouth | AtlanticVetSeattle.comDental X-rays, also known as radiographs, can detect oral health problems at their earliest stages, such as gum disease, bone loss, oral infections, and some types of tumors. After examining your pet’s mouth under anesthesia and reviewing the X-rays, we can accurately diagnose and treat dental problems.

Because dental X-ray machines are designed to minimize radiation, these processes are safe and your pet’s exposure is negligible. In fact, we use the very latest digital X-rays, which further reduce radiation exposure and significantly improve the quality of the picture for the veterinarian to review.

Wellness Plans Make Routine Dental Healthcare Affordable

Atlantic Veterinary Hospital’s Wellness Plans are a program we designed to save you money on important preventive healthcare services for your furry family members.

Each Wellness Plan provides all essential preventive healthcare services we recommend for one year, plus discounts on any additional care your pet may need. Some of our plans include additional services like a professional dental cleaning and full-mouth digital dental radiographs.

Wellness Plan costs have some built-in discounts and spread the cost of care over 12 months with zero interest, allowing you to budget for your pet’s care. If you’d like to learn more about our affordable wellness plans, give us a call at 206.323.4433.

Why is My Cat Suddenly Sneezing So Much?

When your cat sneezes, she is releasing high-pressure air from her nose and mouth.

Why is My Cat Suddenly Sneezing So Much? | atlanticvetseattle.com

A few sneezes a day is fairly normal, but when kitty sneezes consistently over a period of days, you may want to bring her to visit us, as she could have an upper respiratory infection.

Causes of Sneezing

While most sneezing in cats is caused by a viral infection, other causes for sneezing could be:

  • bacterial
  • fungal
  • allergies
  • foreign body (see our article on Foxtails — those evil things are everywhere again this year!)
  • benign polyp
  • cancerous growth
  • tooth root abscess

When to Call Us

Give us a call at 206.323.4433 if you notice these other symptoms along with sneezing:

  • Runny eyes
  • Squinting
  • Nasal discharge (clear or yellow)
  • Swelling around the nose or a misshapen nose
  • Lethargy
  • Difficulty chewing food
  • Drooling
  • Bloody discharge from the nose
  • Inappetance/anorexia
  • Pink eye signs
  • Ulcers in the mouth
  • Noisy  breathing or increased difficulty breathing
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Weight loss

We’ll give your cat a thorough exam and may run some tests to confirm the type of infection.  If treatment is needed, we’ll recommend a course of action.

‘Senior Cat’ Q and A with Dr. Laura Monahan

How to keep your cat’s golden years golden

senior cat wearing bow tie

Q: At what age is a cat classified as a senior?

A: Keeping in mind that every cat is an individual, the “senior” status in cats has been described as cats 11-14 years of age (American Association of Feline Practitioners and American Animal Hospital Association in their Feline Life Stage Guidelines).

Cats aged 7-10 are called “mature” and those 14 and older, “geriatric.”

Since aging changes are frequently a progressive continuum, many veterinarians group all three together and call them “senior.”

Senior at Seven is an easily remembered phrase.

Q: What vaccinations, examinations, or procedures are necessary for older cats?

A: As health conditions can change rapidly in older cats, a thorough physical examination is best performed on all “healthy” senior cats twice yearly. That exam also should also include oral health and mobility assessments.

We will make preventive health recommendations according to a cat’s lifestyle and health status. Our recommendations may include:

  • Twice yearly thorough physical exam, including oral health and mobility assessments.
  • Intestinal parasite screening, at least once a year.
  • Vaccines tailored to your pet’s lifestyle, health & environment. Decisions regarding which vaccinations are appropriate are dependent on a cat’s risk factors, including disease prevalence and indoor/outdoor status.
  • Comprehensive parasite preventive (internal and external).
  • Blood pressure screening and Senior laboratory assessment.
  • Senior cat nutrition.

The senior wellness profile in our practice is consistent with the published AAFP-AAHA guidelines and includes a the following tests as a baseline:

  • Complete blood cell count
  • Chemistry profile
  • Thyroid test
  • Urinalysis
  • Blood pressure

Establishing a baseline for a healthy senior kitty allows us to follow trends throughout their golden years. Other procedures may be indicated depending on the findings of the examination.

Q: How can owners be on the lookout for signs of common conditions in senior cats?

A: Knowing what a cat’s normal behavior has been and then reporting to us any changes in that behavior is crucial. Behavior patterns like appetite, elimination, activity and sleep patterns are the keys to early identification of underlying problem.

Besides the common conditions associated with aging cats, such as chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, periodontal and other oral disease, we are now recognizing much more arthritis in cats than ever before.

Q: How can veterinarians communicate to clients the importance of preventive care?

A: The adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure” is far better for your cat, your peace of mind, and even your wallet. We’d like to assist you in preventing parasites like roundworms, fleas, and heartworms in your cat; common infectious diseases like upper respiratory infection and feline leukemia virus; as well as other conditions like painful dental disease, arthritis, and diabetes.

Learn more about wellness care for your senior cat.

5 Reasons to Test Your Cat for Diabetes

One of our least favorite diagnoses to make in cats is Type II diabetes. Feline diabetes is largely preventable and unnecessary. And, diabetes can be a real challenge to treat for many cat owners.

Fortunately, Type II diabetes in cats is also one of those diseases that benefits from early detection and treatment.

5 Reasons to Test Your Cat for Diabetes | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

Why test your cat for diabetes?

1. Diagnosed Early, It May Be Reversible.

One of the most interesting aspects of feline diabetes is its potential reversibility or remission, especially when diagnosed in the earliest stages.

Research has shown up to 60% of cats will experience diabetic remission within the first few months of treatment.

Combining strict blood sugar regulation with precise insulin therapy, diet changes, and weight loss are a recipe for reversing diabetes in many cats. Some cats will remain diabetes-free for many months to years.

We recommend scheduling blood tests and a urinalysis for your adult cat at least once a year, twice a year for chubby kitties.

2. It’s More Than High Blood Sugar.

Many cat owners focus solely on blood sugar levels. Too often, we forget about the continuous and severe damage that high sugar levels (called hyperglycemia) cause throughout a cat’s body.

The longer diabetes goes untreated, the more potentially irreversible the damage may be. Prolonged high blood sugar levels cause painful diabetic neuropathy and weakness in diabetic cats’ hind legs. They can also contribute to chronic infections and loss of lean muscle mass.

Untreated diabetes can cause life-threatening emergency conditions such as hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) and diabetic ketoacidosis, which require hospitalized care and may cause death.

3. Diabetes May Cause Inappropriate Urination.

Cats that urinate outside the litter box can do so for a variety of reasons, some medical and some behavioral.

Often, the first change owners notice in a diabetic cat is inappropriate urination. As blood sugars rise, the sugars start “spilling” into the urine as a cat’s body attempts to rid itself of the toxic sugar. This creates thirst and increased water consumption, which in turn creates excess urine.

Urinalysis is an important screening tool we use to help diagnose diabetes and differentiate it from other conditions that may cause a cat to miss the litter box.

4. The Risk of Excess Body Fat.

Fat cats are at a much higher risk of developing diabetes than lean cats. Diabetes is a disease commonly created in a cat’s food bowl.

If your cat is chubby or obese, have him screened for diabetes twice a year with blood and urine tests.

The great news is that when diagnosed early and weight loss programs are implemented, many cats will undergo diabetic remission.

5. Longer, Better Life.

The real reason to test your cat early and often for diabetes is to prolong a high quality of life.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners warns that the number of cats diagnosed with diabetes is increasing.

Don’t delay calling us if your cat is losing weight, having accidents in the house, has a change in eating habits (up or down), or unexpectedly loses weight.

You can reach Atlantic Veterinary Hospital by calling 206.323.4433.

The Benefits of Pet Health Insurance (And Who We Recommend)

Our hearts break when pets are euthanized because their owners can’t afford critical care. Unfortunately it happens… more often than you might imagine.

Many people vastly underestimate the costs of caring for a pet over a 15-year lifespan. Dog owners typically spend from $20,000 to $55,000, and cat owners spend $15,000 to $45,000, according to a new study by Synchrony.

That averages out to $111-$306 per month for dog owners, and $84-$254 per month for cat owners.

Even a basic level of pet care can run into thousands of dollars over the course of a year. During the first year alone, dog owners can expect to spend from $1,300 to $2,800. Cat owners can expect to spend approximately $960 to $2,500.

In addition to basic expenses such as food, vaccinations, grooming, and toys, one out of three pet owners will face an unexpected pet expense that causes financial worry.

61% of Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a $1,000 pet emergency.

Cats and dogs love to explore things we don’t want them to explore and eat random objects, which can easily cause an unplanned injury or illness. An unexpected visit to the veterinarian can often run anywhere from $800 to $1,500, with major medical treatment costing $10,000 or more.

Since 1 in 3 pets in the U.S. need emergency veterinary treatment in any given year, it’s likely your pet will face at least one significant accident or illness during their lifetime.

That’s why we advocate for pet health insurance. To put it bluntly, pet insurance from a reputable company can help save pets’ lives.

When to Insure Your Pet

We recommend enrolling your fur baby in pet insurance when they’re just that – a healthy baby.

Pet insurance plans rarely cover “pre-existing conditions” (conditions that showed symptoms or were treated before enrolling or during the waiting period). By enrolling your pet when they’re young, you’ll be better financially prepared to cover unexpected accidents and illnesses.

Some pets inherit health conditions, and many breeds are prone to developing specific conditions that require lifelong monitoring and treatment.

Enrolling in an insurance plan when your pet is a baby will ensure your pet is likely covered for the course of treatment your vet recommends.

Wellness Plans vs Pet Insurance

Understanding the difference between wellness plans and pet insurance is important.

Wellness plans are for preventive care.

Many are tied to the veterinary hospital from which you purchase the plan. Wellness plans spread the cost of routine preventive care over 12 months. They often include modest perks such as discounts, free nail trims, etc., making routine care a line item in a family budget.

Atlantic Veterinary Hospital offers wellness plans for kittens and puppies and adult cats and dogs.

Pet insurance picks up where wellness plans leave off. While wellness plans are for preventive care, insurance is for unplanned illness or accidents. We suggest that pet parents invest in both.

How to Choose a Pet Insurance Company

There are many pet insurance companies, many contradictory reviews floating around cyberspace, and many “sponsored links” from insurance companies who all claim to be #1.

Rather than getting sucked into the black hole of comparing umpteen companies, we suggest that you choose a plan based on the recommendation of someone you know and trust.

pumpkin pet insurance

We’ve had a good experience with Pumpkin’s pet insurance plans, which can be found at pumpkin.pet. This inclusive plan covers the gold-standard therapy for covered conditions that we offer in our practice.

Plus, Pumpkin pet insurance plans can be used at any licensed veterinary practice in the US and Canada.

To see how Pumpkin stands out among several other pet insurance providers, run your own comparison here.

How Payment and Reimbursement Works

Pet insurance is similar to personal health insurance, where you pay a premium towards your pet’s covered vet expenses each year, regardless of whether your pet needs medical treatment.

For example, if you pay a $100 per year deductible, after that $100 is applied to an insurance-covered veterinary bill for an unplanned illness or accident, a certain percentage of additional covered costs are reimbursed by your pet insurance company.


  1. You pay your full bill at the vet.
  2. You submit your invoice to your pet insurance company.
  3. The insurance company reimburses you a percentage of additional covered costs.

Two of the Best Ways to Love Your Pet:

  1. Budget for their routine medical care.
  2. Be prepared for the unexpected.

When you thoughtfully plan for both, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing that your furry family member will receive the care it needs.


Lifetime of Care Study

Prrs&Wags blog, Dr. Stacy Choczynski Johnson, “8 Reasons Why The Right Time to Get Pet Insurance is Right Now

DVM360.com, “Synchrony study unveils staggering findings surrounding lifetime cost of pet ownership

Business Insider, Eric Rosenberg, “The Best Pet Insurance Companies for Your Beloved Cats, Dogs, and More

The Washington Post, Jeff Blyskal, “Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

3 Tips for a Successful Curbside or Virtual Veterinary Visit

How to Have a Successful Curbside or Virtual Veterinary Visit | atlanticvetseattle.com

Imagine driving 100 mph on a curvy racetrack with no guard rails – all day, every day, for over a year – while trying to keep a smile on your face and avoid a fiery crash.

That’s how health care workers – including veterinary staff – feel. Veterinary clinics nationwide have experienced a surge in demand as stay-at-home families adopt pets. While that’s a wonderful thing for animal shelters (many shelter pets have found forever homes), from a health care perspective, we’re seeing:

Increased emergency visits.

Emergency veterinary clinics nationwide are typically backed up 6-to-12 hours and are often forced to turn patients away.

Clinics such as Atlantic Veterinary Hospital are taking in more emergencies daily, because we no longer have the option of referring critical patients to emergency clinics.

Pet emergencies are time-consuming, and because emergencies require immediate attention, well-pet appointments sometimes have to be rescheduled.

Increased wait times to schedule appointments and increased time for the appointment.

Veterinary clinics nationwide are booked out anywhere from four days to three weeks. The increase in pet emergencies, combined with a shortage of skilled veterinary nurses and the inefficiency of curbside service, all contribute to the problem.

What you can do:

1. Understand that our pre-COVID world no longer exists.

Life looks so much different today than it did in February of 2020! Our staff is committed to providing top-quality care, and we are also committed to abiding by Washington State’s COVID-19 health guidance to keep you and our staff safe.

2. Think ahead. Be patient and kind.

We keep a number of same-day urgent care appointments available every day. These appointments are filled quickly, so call early if you think your pet needs to be seen right away.

Urgent care appointments have a higher charge than a regularly scheduled appointment. Learn more about typical conditions we see in urgent care.

We continue to provide concierge curbside service.

When we are able to allow pet parents back in the hospital, only one adult client at a time (not couples or families) will accompany their pet.

How Concierge Curbside Service Works

  1. Complete all necessary online intake forms before your appointment time.
  2. We will send you pre-appointment information, including a Zoom meeting link.
  3. You and your pet arrive in our parking lot and remain in your vehicle.
  4. Text us from the parking lot: 206-323-4433.
  5. Our staff will escort your pet into the hospital while you remain in our parking lot.
  6. Our staff and doctors will communicate with you via either Zoom, AirVet virtual visit, or phone, provide care for your pet, and then return your pet to your vehicle. Please be prepared to answer the doctor’s call while you are waiting in your car.
  7. Payment can be collected via a hands-free device in the parking lot.

You’ll want to plan your pet’s visit well in advance, and be patient with us if you experience a delay.

3. Take advantage of virtual veterinary consultations.

Virtual visits are an alternative to curbside visits. We’ve partnered with Airvet, a service where you and your pet can have a consultation with a veterinarian from the comfort of your own home.

During the appointment, you and your pet are on a video call (similar to Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype), where you are virtually in the exam room with the doctor, nurse, and your pet.

When you use Airvet for a scheduled pet behavior consult, you will talk with the veterinarian with whom you scheduled the consultation.

Telemedicine is also helpful for pet parents who have after-hours questions and concerns. The Airvet system will attempt to schedule you with one of our doctors. If we’re unavailable, you will consult with one of our partnered Airvet doctors.

Airvet is a quick and efficient way to ask questions, do follow-ups, and sometimes, to get the reassurance you need during those moments of “I don’t know if I should be freaking out or not!”

Click here to learn more about Airvet works and to download the Airvet app.

We so much appreciate our pet patients and their human counterparts! Thank you for your continued patience and grace as we mutually adjust to “the new normal.”

The staff at Atlantic Veterinary Hospital

Have You Tried Skijoring With Your Dog?

Skijoring (‘skē-jȯr-iŋ) is a winter sport in which a cross country skier is pulled by dog(s) or a horse in harness.

The word is derived from the Norwegian word skikjøring, meaning ski driving.

The most popular form of skijoring is with a dog.

In dog skijoring, also called dog skiing, one-to-three dogs assist a cross-country skier by providing additional pulling power.

  • The dogs and skier each wear a special harness that is connected by a shock-corded tow line of 8-to-12 feet.
  • There are no reins or whips to control the dogs; the dogs are trained to respond to the skier’s voice commands.

Skijoring has been popular in Scandinavia and Alaska for years, but is growing in popularity in other parts of the world. Skijoring competitions are now held throughout the northern United States, Canada, and Scandinavia, often in conjunction with dog sled races.

Many breeds of dogs are used for skijoring.

In addition to what we traditionally think of as sled dogs, such as Huskies and Malamutes, many mixed breed dogs also enjoy skijoring. They are are athletic, enthusiastic, obedient medium-to-large dogs with thick fur and ice-resistant pads.

Dogs who love skijoring live for the exercise, excitement, attention from their owners, and the opportunity to run like crazy in the great outdoors.

Where to Skijor in Washington

Some designated cross country ski areas allow dogs, but most leisure skijoring is done on other snowy trails, fields, and backcountry roadsides.

In its guide to Cross-Country (Nordic) skiing in Washington, the Washington Trails Association (WTA) notes:

“Dogs are generally not allowed on groomed Nordic trails—however, there are exceptions. Some Nordic areas offer specific dog-friendly trails or trail hours, so call ahead if your outing will not be complete without your four-legged friend. Know that even if your pup is allowed, she may be required to remain on-leash. The best way to ski with a dog (when dogs are allowed) is by using a sled-dog harness and a bungee leash system: this is skijoring, and it’s a fast-growing winter sport.”

Have you tried Skijoring? What do you think of it?

5 Fun (and Funny) Ways to Help Your Senior Cat Exercise

Unlike their human counterparts, cats don’t look in the mirror and vow to lose weight and get in shape.

5 Fun (and Funny) Ways to Help Your Senior Cat Exercise | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

As cats enter their senior years, they become more sedentary, which makes them more prone to obesity. That, in turn, puts them at risk of serious medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoarthritis.

To help your senior cat get moving, try these 5 enticements:

1. Toys

5 Fun (and Funny) Ways to Help Your Senior Cat Exercise | AtlanticVetSeattle.com

What kind of toys does your cat like?

  • Squeaky mice?
  • Funky feathers?
  • Dangly doodads?
  • Twirly tops?
  • Boxes or bags to hide in?
  • Ping-pong balls?
  • Crinkled-up pieces of paper?

As long as the toy interests her (and is safe for cats), she’ll likely play with it.

2. Exercise Wheel or Treadmill

There are exercise wheels made specifically for cats (they look like giant hamster wheels). You can also train your cat to walk/jog/run on a human treadmill, as shown in this hilarious video.

Begin the personal training when your kitty is young, if possible. Start at a slow speed and gradually increase the pace.

3. Cat Towers and Trees

Multi-tiered towers give your kitty lots of options for climbing, jumping, and playing. To encourage movement, place small treats in different parts of the tower (particularly high up).

4. A-Maze-Ing Hockey

Build a DIY hockey rink by putting a ping-pong ball inside a large cardboard box. Or cut holes in a bunch of boxes and create a maze, as in this video. Your cat (and the crowd) will go wild!

5. Take a Walk Outside

There’s lots of fun stuff to smell and explore outdoors, and some cats love to walk with a leash and soft harness. Others, not so much. But training your cat to walk with a leash is doable.

This video demonstrates how to help your cat get accustomed to a harness and shows cat moms (attempting to) walk their cats, with varying success.

We’d love to hear about exercises that work best for your senior kitty.

If you’re not sure which exercises are safe and appropriate, come and visit us. During your cat’s examination, we’ll check for physical constraints or health issues that may limit her ability to do certain exercises. And we’ll help you design an exercise regimen that’s purrrfect for your cat.

More Articles About Senior Cats

‘Senior Cat’ Q and A with Dr. Laura Monahan


Is My Cat a Senior? How to Care for an Aging Cat

Atlantic Veterinary Hospital in Seattle serves the following neighborhoods: Mt. Baker, Columbia City, Beacon Hill, Rainier Valley, Seward Park, Capitol Hill, Leschi, Central District, Madison Valley, International District, and Georgetown.